Category Archives: Speaking Japanese

Learning Japanese With Audio – Which Is Best?

Learning Japanese with audio is without doubt the fastest and most efficient way to get started. If you are lucky enough to have some Japanese friends who can help then you are already ahead of the game. In most cases people will look to evening classes at their local college or on the internet for online basic Japanese lessons. Of course the best way to learn any language is in the country itself. This has obvious advantages but for most of us this is not possible and […]

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Immerse Yourself In The Japanese Language

Japanese is a language spoken by more than 120 million people worldwide in countries including Japan, Brazil, Guam, Taiwan, and on the American island of Hawaii. Japanese is a language comprised of characters completely different from the western alphabet that makes up such languages as English, French, Italian, and German. If you are required to learn Japanese for business reasons, or if you are planning a vacation to the Asian island, it might seem intimidating to learn a language so different for your own. If you are […]

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4 Tips For Learning Any Foreign Language Faster

For many people, the idea of learning a foreign language is both exciting and intimidating, especially if the thought brings back memories of learning a second language in middle school or high school. The truth is that learning a foreign language is a lot easier than most people expect particularly if you follow these tips which I have discovered after a lifetime of helping other people learn everything from Japanese and Arabic to German and French. 1. Make mistakes. The way to learn a new language is […]

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