Tag Archives: language

Pass The Japanese Language Proficiency Test – 5 Tips

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test, or JLPT, is administered only once per year and is taken by about 380,000 (1995 figures) non-native speakers of Japanese each year worldwide. The test is divided into four levels (1-4), with Level 1 being the most difficult. The Level 1 has a pass rate of only 29%. After 4 years of university study of Japanese in my native country, I doubt I would have passed anything beyond Level 3 of the JLPT upon graduation. However, using the techniques I share with […]

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Mastering Japanese Kanji – 7 Guerilla Tactics

The adoption in around the 6th century CE of kanji by the Japanese from Chinese emissaries was a blessing for the Japanese language since it was the first time the language appeared in written form. At the same time, the act was destined to seem like a curse for the thousands of non-native Japanese speakers who have tried their hand at learning kanji. Simply put: mastering kanji is hard! To the brain of the typical Westerner who has been raised on an alphabet-based Indo-European language like English, […]

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Immerse Yourself In The Japanese Language

Japanese is a language spoken by more than 120 million people worldwide in countries including Japan, Brazil, Guam, Taiwan, and on the American island of Hawaii. Japanese is a language comprised of characters completely different from the western alphabet that makes up such languages as English, French, Italian, and German. If you are required to learn Japanese for business reasons, or if you are planning a vacation to the Asian island, it might seem intimidating to learn a language so different for your own. If you are […]

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Did You Know That There Are 3 Different Japanese Symbols

Learn Japanese for a real communication for your work, school project, and communicating with your Japanese mate properly. Many people think that Learning to speak Japanese language is more difficult than learning to write Japanese. But, it is actually vice versa, because there are 3 different Japanese symbol called Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana, if you want to learn to write Japanese. Normally, many Westerners think that kanji symbol is the only writing form we use in Japanese. It is true that we use kanji symbols more than […]

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5 Reasons To Learn A Foreign Language

Many of us have at one time or another fantasized about becoming fluent in a foreign language. At that point, most people take the path toward half-hearted attempts at learning but never really become proficient. Meanwhile, a brave few commit themselves and really make it happen. What makes the folks who choose the latter path undertake the countless hour of study, occasional moments of embarrassment, and the uncertainty of success? My road to mastery of a foreign language – Japanese – began in college. It was tough […]

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4 Tips For Learning Any Foreign Language Faster

For many people, the idea of learning a foreign language is both exciting and intimidating, especially if the thought brings back memories of learning a second language in middle school or high school. The truth is that learning a foreign language is a lot easier than most people expect particularly if you follow these tips which I have discovered after a lifetime of helping other people learn everything from Japanese and Arabic to German and French. 1. Make mistakes. The way to learn a new language is […]

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Ways To Speed Up Learning Of A Second Language

Learning a second language is never easy for the simple reason that it is exactly that ‘a second language. Ninety-nine percent of the time and, of course, barring the existence of congenital speech defects, the difficulty of learning a new language is brought on by the learner’s adherence to the conventions and practices of his first language, his native tongue. Conflicts in pronunciation, vocabulary, usage, intonation, manner of expression, even understanding of concepts, therefore arise. A perfect way to test this fact is to have a simple […]

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